The supplement

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Andrju Wiles, the professor of mathematics from of Princetone of university (USA), long time was engaged in search of the decision of the Great Theorem Pierre Fermat.
However, neither deep generalization of the "ideal" theory E. Kummer, nor elliptic curves L.J. Mordell in aggregate with result of Gerd Faltings,hor perspective algebra-geometrical method G. Frey plus of effort K.Ribet on the basis of a hypothesis Hasse-Wail about zeta-functions or method Shimura-Taniyama-Weil etc., not bring his researches to final mathematical result. I.e. did not result ...
And the time inevitably went
And at the other brink of the Earth in Russia, after long-term researches of a problem Pierre Fermat, amateur of mathematics from Rostov-on-Don, the member of a mathematical society of Rostov-on-Don State Universuty (RSU), V. Valentinov in 1984 has finished reconstruction of the proof of the Great Theorem Fermat(GTF), i.e. has repeated the elementary proof itself Pierre de Fermat.
But because of the tendentious attitude many modern mathematicians to the Great Theorem the Fermat ... About reconstruction V.Valentinova, has appeared some simplified, popular publications only in epoch of Russian changes.
So, in the newspaper of the south of Russia "Our Time" after 1992 in 80 is published the article, where, in particular, is spoken about a method " to an intermediate curve " V. Valentinov and about a method "of infinite descent" P. Fermat, which used V. Valentinov in the proof GTF.
In a magazine "The Improbable World " for 1993 years in 20 the article "Secret of the Theorem a Fermat" with portraits P. Fermat and V. Valentinov is published.
And in Rostov-on-Don in the spring 1993 is issued without mathematical symbolics lesser-booklet "Heurica". Moreover in three Rostov newspapers there are publications V. Valentinov about reconstruction GTF.
But complete mathematical monography V. Valentinov - "EYPHKA!" about the elementary proof of two theorems P. Fermat (remark 2 i.e. GTF and rem. 42), which of priority reasons notarially was certified in 1985, but because of absence of money resources and every possible bureaucratic barrier , brochure "Heurica!" Is issued in small circulation only in 1997 and occurs in Internet only in 1998.
However still earlier many letters V. Valentinov with his reconstruction GTF with large difficulties, but all the same have got on mathematical faculties of domestic and foreign universities and institutes.
Yes the trouble that the mathematical information, which was owned V. Valentinov and especially by his method "by an intermediate curve", have attracted, both attention dirty on a hand "mathe-cians", and attention some boobys in mathematics, but large amateurs of "beer" ...
Chief, by faculty " the Theories of function and functional analysis" prof. V.P. Zaharjuta, by familiarizing with geometrical interpretation V. Valentinov to his proof GTF from hands of the author, where on Euklides of a plane, one of two curves is crossed by third "an intermediate curve" - Valentinov, mathematical work of the author approves However "secretly" prof. V.P. Zaharjta steals a perspective method "by an intermediate curve" and introduces this method in earlier uncompleted work "Spaces harmonics of functions" and without a mention of the author of this method V. Valentinov in April, 1992 acts with the report on this "his" work on extraordinary and hasty called mathematical society RSU.
During the report prof. V.P. Zaharjuta. Between the lecturer and V. Valentinov there is a conflict concerning unscrupulous larceny V.P. Zaharjuta a method V. Valentinov. The conflict develops into quarrel on faculty prof. V.P. Zaharjuta.
By this business was compelled to be engaged rector RSU, prof. A.V. Belokon and dean of mechnics-mathematical faculty RSU, J.M. Jerusalemsky.
Soon after that "case" prof. V.P. Zaharjuta has gone away in Turkey as the teacher of mathematics, where louge about and until now
In 1992 and in 1993 the material about reconstruction GTF - V. Valentinov gets in London. In a heading of news the radio station BBC devotes this theme transfer with the comments.
And here from London at the end of 1992 and in the beginning 1993 of the letter V. Valentinov and the popular editions about his reconstruction GTF, at last, reach up to prof. mathematics Princeton of university Andrju Wiles from USA.
And method "for an intermediate curve" V. Valentinov, and interrelation, opened by him, pythagoreans of points of a circle with hypothetical "by rational points" on curves a Fermat, become known and understood to the doctor A. Wiles, which was "all by it" be charmed ... Just "all this" in aggregate and allows A. Wiles "to finish" the work on the proof GTF, and the next year to arrive in England and to act there with the report "his" of the his proof GTF in institute of mathematics by be name I. Newton.
The truth, after that hasty report prof. A. Wiles the three-summer correction of annoying mathematical mistakes in his proof GTF will follow, it is obvious, as a consequence of bad adjustment with use A. Wiles of an another's method "by an intermediate curve " and other simple ideas V. Valentinov without a mention of their author In urgent attempt to combine elementary and idle time, yes another's with not elementary and bulky a monster, which has mounted prof. A. Wiles, as "his" wonder - proof GTF.
But, eventually, at first 700, then 500 - page, not elementary, difficult understanding even for experts of the theory of numbers; repeatedly and hasty corrected because of mistakes, proof A. Wiles - GTF, which and to this day causes doubt in many mathematicians of the world, nevertheless with a scratch was all the same advanced, i.e. is recognized in 1996 (Hungary) and in 1997, 1998 (Germany).
Between that henceforth historical, mathematical and legal documents can confirm, that himself creator GTF - Pierre Fermat from France, cityes Toulouse has proved GTF even in 17 century to first.
Second has become an amateur of mathematics V. Valentinov from Russia of Rostov-on-Don, which in 1984 only has repeated the elementary proof GTF - itself P. Fermat.
At last, secretly using elementary ideas and methods of mathematics V. Valentinov, prof. A. Wiles from USA, Princeton, forgetting that all secret becomes obvious, constructs pretentious the plagirism not elementary conglomeration, as a certain similarity mathematical " of a Babylon Tower ", with what shown to the world the "his" proof GTF, mister Wiles, and yet push elbows in a history of mathematics in 1998 only by "third - superfluous"!
Is remarkable, that already soon after the report in 1993 in England at Cambridge university about the proof GTF prof. A. Wiles at the end of 1993 and in the beginning 1994 hasty creates a film about itself and proof GTF and places him in Internet.
This film was shown and on a mathematical congress in Budapest in 1996. And this film gives out prof. Wiles with a head
The business in that in this film a portrait a Fermat and portrait itself Wiles, shared by an interval, - is an exact copy from an international magazine " the Improbable World " after 1993, 20 of the article about V. Valentinov "Secret of the Theorem a Fermat", where producer prof. A. Wiles only rearranges pictures of portraits. I.e. a portrait V. Valentinov will replace by a portrait A. Wiles
But most interesting that prof. Wiles, poorly knowing a history of mathematics, in the film automatically copies from the popular publication about V. Valentinov and date - 1637, as year, when P. Fermat has stated, i.e. has written down the surprising remark 2 on fields of a personal copy of the book "Arithmetics" Diophantus of Alexandria, issued in 1621 in translation and with the comments Bachet de Mazeriac.
However, it is well-known, that the history of mathematics has not exact date, when P. Fermat has written the remark 2.
In particular, prof. mathematics, participant of history-mathematical seminars of New York university, Harold Edwards in the remarkable monography "Fermat's Last Theorem" (New York, 1977) wrote: "the Fermat is not known in what period of life has written the note on fields, but it was accepted to consider, that he could her write somewhere at the end of 1630-th years
I.e. three decades prior to death ".
V. Valentinov in the mathematical works and publications about GTF has chosen date 1637, as a symbol, in honour of memory of the grandfather, orthodox the priest, father Ioann Bessonov, which was subject to repression in 1937 and guiltless was lost on Solovky.
Certainly, using the letters and popular publications about reconstruction GTF - V. Valentinov in the mercenary purposes, prof. Wiles about it to know could not So immorality prof. A. Wiles from USA, was on the whole world fixed by him in his film, which "become dusty" in Internet till now.
And you see to steal the another's author's information and to give out her for the property is not only crime, but is also large christian the sin.
Really Alfred Nobel has appeared of the rights, when only to professional mathematics has given up in the right to be the winners of his international premium, since is perspicacious considered last "immoralus as the people ".
I.e. simply - soundrels.

V. Valentinov
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